© ATTA / Hassen Salum

ATTA’s partner for emissions accounting and reduction for travel businesses


Who are ecollective?

In the last year ecollective has measured hundreds of thousands of vacations. From backpacking adventures, cruises to expeditions. Working with tour operators, hotels or destinations is often the same. How we can lower our negative impact on the planet whilst making adventures better for customers and the business?

ecollective is a small team, primarily based in the UK working with global companies.

Partnership Overview

ATTA and ecollective have a strategic partnership to combine ATTA’s expertise in the adventure tourism market, with ecollective’s carbon accountancy and emissions reduction expertise.

Members of ATTA are eligible for a 20% discount on the first year costs of measuring their emissions. To benefit from the discount send an email to [email protected] copying in ATTA ([email protected]) who will confirm your membership.

ecollective work with travel companies to help them reduce their carbon emissions. The key is to find better ways to have adventures that emit far less carbon into the atmosphere.

How ecollective helps travel businesses reduce their carbon footprint

In the first year, ecollective:

  1. Accurately measures your entire company emissions including those from your office, website and the trips you sell. Everything is included.
  2. Presents the results to your company in an easily digestible format.
  3. Helps you set a stretch, but ultimately achievable, carbon reduction target.
  4. Finds the most effective strategies specific to your company to help you achieve your target.

For each subsequent year, ecollective remeasures your company’s emissions so you can report progress against your target and gain an ever more accurate picture of your emissions. They also work alongside you to update your strategies as your company evolves.

Carbon Literacy Training

ecollective is well known for their carbon training too and have an accredited Carbon Literacy course for the Travel Industry. You can book employees onto their open courses or book their trainers to run a closed course for your company.


Anyone can sign up to ecollective's bi-monthly newsletter containing carbon reduction tips and ideas for the travel sector.

Click here to sign up.